The adverse effects of smoking and drinking permeate a broad spectrum of issues. In 2007, a study conducted by Moore et al. illustrated the effects of both smoking and drinking on Oral Cancer and Oral Epithelial Dysplasia. Simply speaking, Oral Epithelial Dysplasia (OED) is the precursor form of Oral Cancer.
The conclusions of the study illustrate that smoking is a significant risk factor in the development of OED, and Oral Cancer. Furthermore, smoking has a more significant role prior to the formation of malignant (cancerous) cells. Secondly, alcohol consumption was strongly correlated with both Oral Cancer and OED throughout all stages. With increased levels of alcohol consumption, the significance factor also increased.
Quick Facts
1. In 2002, 127,500 people died of oral cancer; 274,300 diagnoses of oral cancer were made. Since 2002, the number has significantly increased, and continues to be on the rise.
Think twice before picking up that drink, or lighting up your cigarette.
1. Smoking and Drinking in Relation to Oral Cancer and Oral Epithelial Dysplasia Douglas E. Morse, Walter J. Psoter, Deborah Cleveland, Donald Cohen, Mireseyed Mohit-Tabatabai, Diane L. Kosis and Ellen Eisenberg Cancer Causes & Control , Vol. 18, No. 9 (Nov., 2007), pp. 919-929
2. Google Images
The conclusions of the study illustrate that smoking is a significant risk factor in the development of OED, and Oral Cancer. Furthermore, smoking has a more significant role prior to the formation of malignant (cancerous) cells. Secondly, alcohol consumption was strongly correlated with both Oral Cancer and OED throughout all stages. With increased levels of alcohol consumption, the significance factor also increased.
Quick Facts
1. In 2002, 127,500 people died of oral cancer; 274,300 diagnoses of oral cancer were made. Since 2002, the number has significantly increased, and continues to be on the rise.
Think twice before picking up that drink, or lighting up your cigarette.
1. Smoking and Drinking in Relation to Oral Cancer and Oral Epithelial Dysplasia Douglas E. Morse, Walter J. Psoter, Deborah Cleveland, Donald Cohen, Mireseyed Mohit-Tabatabai, Diane L. Kosis and Ellen Eisenberg Cancer Causes & Control , Vol. 18, No. 9 (Nov., 2007), pp. 919-929
2. Google Images